Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Building a Mobile App Campaign

    Digital marketing has set the world on fire. The further the global online economy grows, consumers will be flooded with ads, search results, email chains, videos, long form articles, blog posts, etc. Strategically, the more content that the producer can put out in front of the consumer's face, the better. But where does one start? And why?

     Maybe a business has a semi-functional mobile application, or maybe it doesn’t. Maybe that same business has a functional Instagram and/or Facebook that has weekly posts, or maybe it doesn’t. So what should be done or ventured into? The answer is all of it. Develop an app first. That along with a website can be the flagship of the face of the business. Integrate as many social media platforms into that mobile app next and get prepared to have a plan.

     Step 0 is done and the app needs to get out in front of the consumer. What does this look like? How does a single business’s app stand out from the millions of other apps out there? Getting out in front of the world by use of Google ad words, SEO utilization, consistent social media posting, constant updates of app user interface, search networks, and even YouTube set you apart from the competition. It might seem like a big bite to handle, but the world is at everyone’s fingertips. So many are making apps, but using campaigns to drive them can revolutionize a business.

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